Easiest Way to Make Favorite Clam Stew

by Aferrera

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect Clam Stew recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Clam Stew recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Before you jump to Clam Stew recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Make Healthy Eating A Part of Your Daily Life.

Opting to eat healthily offers marvelous benefits and is becoming a more popular way of living. There are a number of diseases related to a poor diet and there is a cost to the overall economy as individuals suffer from health problems such as heart disease and hypertension. Even though we’re always being encouraged to follow healthy eating habits, it is also easier than ever to depend on fast food and other convenience items that are not good for us. People typically assume that healthy diets call for much work and will significantly change the way they live and eat. In reality, though, merely making some modest changes can positively impact daily eating habits.

To see results, it is definitely not essential to drastically change your eating habits. It’s not a bad idea if you desire to make major changes, but the most vital thing is to step by step switch to making healthier eating selections. As you get accustomed to the taste of these foods, you will see that you’re eating more healthily than before. As you stick to your habit of eating healthier foods, you will discover that you won’t wish to eat the old diet.

Therefore, it should be quite obvious that it’s easy to add healthy eating to your everyday life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to clam stew recipe. You can cook clam stew using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to cook Clam Stew:

  1. Provide 500 g of clams.
  2. Use 500 ml of water.
  3. You need 8-10 leaves of napa cabbage,.
  4. Use 1 of small white onion, julienned.
  5. You need 2 cloves of garlic, chopped.
  6. Get 2 tsp of fish sauce.
  7. Prepare of Chilli padi, chopped, as required.
  8. Prepare of Spring onion, chopped, as required.
  9. Get 1 tsp of sesame oil,.

Steps to make Clam Stew:

  1. Clean clams properly..
  2. Cut cabbage into bit-sized pieces..
  3. In a shallow pot, combine water, cabbage, onion, and garlic, and bring to boil..
  4. Add fish sauce and bring to medium heat..
  5. Once stew boils, add clams and cover. Boil for 5-10mins. Ensure all clams are properly cooked..
  6. Add chilli padi, spring onions and sesame oil. And voila!.

If you find this Clam Stew recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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