Recipe of Any-night-of-the-week Quick & Easy Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread

by Aferrera

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Quick & Easy Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Quick & Easy Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Before you jump to Quick & Easy Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Tips For Living Green And Lowering costs Inside the Kitchen.

Remember when the only individuals who cared about the environment were tree huggers and hippies? Those days are over, and it seems we all recognize our role in stopping and conceivably reversing the damage being done to our planet. According to the experts, to clean up the environment we are all going to have to make some adjustments. These adjustments need to start taking place, and each individual family needs to become more environmentally friendly. Keep reading for some methods to go green and save energy, generally in the kitchen.

Changing light bulbs is definitely as good a spot get started on as any. This will go outside of the kitchen, but that is okay. Compact fluorescent lightbulbs are usually energy-savers, and you should use them in place of incandescent lights. Although costing a little more initially, these kinds of bulbs last as long as ten of the standard type as well as using a lot less energy. Using these longer-lasting lightbulbs has the particular benefit that many fewer lightbulbs make it into landfills. It goes further than just exchanging the lights, though; turning off lights that aren’t needed is actually another good thing to do. The family spends considerable time in the cooking area, and how often does the kitchen light go on in the morning and is left on all day long. This likewise takes place in the rest of the house, but we’re trying to save money in the kitchen. Make a habit of having the lights on only when they are needed, and you’ll be surprised at the amount of electricity you save.

From the above it ought to be clear that just in the kitchen, by itself, there are many little opportunities for saving energy and money. It is reasonably straightforward to live green, of course. A lot of it truly is merely utilizing common sense.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to quick & easy black eyed peas and cornbread recipe. You can cook quick & easy black eyed peas and cornbread using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Quick & Easy Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread:

  1. Provide 2 packages of frozen black eyed peas.
  2. Take 1 of onion diced.
  3. You need 1 packages of bacon.
  4. Get 1 of seasonings of your choice.
  5. Use of cornbread.
  6. Take 1 box of jiffy mix.
  7. Take 1 of egg.
  8. Get 1/3 cup of milk.

Steps to make Quick & Easy Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread:

  1. Add about 5 cups of water, diced onion, both packs of black eyed peas, seasonings in a pot.
  2. Chop bacon into pieces, I just take mine directly out of the package and chopped into squares from the chunk it was in..
  3. Add bacon to pot.
  4. Cook on medium heat where its just barely boiling for approximately 30 min stirring occasionally..
  5. Follow directions in jiffy mix box. I make mine in a casserole dish rather than make muffins but that's up to you..

If you find this Quick & Easy Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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