Recipe of Any-night-of-the-week Chocolate Chip Pancakes With Fruit

by Aferrera

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, if you’re looking for Chocolate Chip Pancakes With Fruit recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Chocolate Chip Pancakes With Fruit recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Before you jump to Chocolate Chip Pancakes With Fruit recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Tips For Living Green And Spending less Inside the Kitchen.

Remember when the only individuals who cared about the ecosystem were tree huggers as well as hippies? That’s a thing of the past now, with everybody being aware of the problems besetting the planet and the shared obligation we have for turning things around. Unless everyone begins to start living more environmentally friendly we won’t be able to resolve the problems of the environment. This needs to happen soon and living in ways more friendly to the environment should become a goal for every individual family. Here are a few tips that can help you save energy, primarily by making your cooking area more green.

Start out with replacing the lights. Accomplish this for the whole house, not merely the kitchen. The normal light bulbs are the incandescent style, which really should be replaced with compact fluorescent lightbulbs, which save energy. Although costing a little more initially, these kinds of bulbs last as long as ten of the conventional type as well as using a lot less energy. One of the extras is that for every one of these lightbulbs used, it ensures that approximately ten normal lightbulbs less will end up at a landfill site. Coupled with different light bulbs, you need to learn to leave the lights off when they are not needed. In the kitchen is where you’ll frequently find members of a family, and often the lights are not turned off until the last person goes to bed. And it’s not limited to the kitchen, it goes on in other parts of the house at the same time. Try keeping the lights off if you don’t absolutely need them, and notice exactly how much electricity you can save.

From the above it really should be clear that just in the kitchen, by itself, there are numerous little opportunities for saving energy and money. Green living is definitely something we can all do, without difficulty. A lot of it really is basically using common sense.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to chocolate chip pancakes with fruit recipe. To cook chocolate chip pancakes with fruit you only need 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Chocolate Chip Pancakes With Fruit:

  1. You need of Cooking Spray/ Vegetable Oil.
  2. Provide of Pre-made Pancake Mix.
  3. Get of Small handfuls of chocolate chips.
  4. You need of Strawberries.
  5. You need of Bananas.
  6. Use of Maple Syrup.

Instructions to make Chocolate Chip Pancakes With Fruit:

  1. Heat a non-stick pan with either cooking spray or vegetable oil for about 10 mins..
  2. Make the pre-made batter by following the instructions on the bag/ box. DO NOT ADD THE CHOCOLATE CHIPS IN THE BATTER..
  3. Cut up some fresh strawberries and bananas. You won't need these till later but it's nice to have them ready when needed..
  4. Pour the batter in the pan to however big you want your pancakes to be (however many pancakes you want)..
  5. Wait at least 2 minutes before you add the chocolate chips to the pancakes cooking on the stove..
  6. Wait till the chocolate chips start melting a little bit before you flip them over..
  7. Once flipped wait for the pancake to look golden brown and then take off heat..
  8. Put the pancakes on a plate. Cover with the freshly cut fruit. Add maple syrup if desired..

Mini chocolate chips make these pancakes extra special. To up the ante, try one of the easy variations for chocolate chip pecan pancakes or Top these chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup, cane syrup, or a dessert sauce. The pancakes are the perfect breakfast for a birthday morning. Mini chocolate chips turn your breakfast pancakes into a special treat. This is my favorite pancake recipe that I make for my family and friends.

If you find this Chocolate Chip Pancakes With Fruit recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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